A guided hike on Gefla Mountain on Melrakkaslétta peninsula
Period: June 1st – August 31st
Distance: About 10 km
Duration: 3 – 4 hours
Elevation: About 280 meters.
Prices: 18.000 krónur per person (minimum two persons).
12.00 krónur per person (3-4 persons).
Price offers for larger groups
For inquiries and reservations please contact us through info@nordicnatura.is

Important information:
1. For this hike you need to be in a medium hiking shape. You will also have to have good strong balance due to the loose gravel on top of the palagonite.
2. Due to the loose gravel on top of the palagonite it is necessary (obligated) for each hiker to have and use walking sticks. Good and steady hiking shoes are also important.
It´s possible to rent walking sticks for 1.000 krónur per pair.
3. Please dress appropriate. It can get windy and cold so it´s better to have layers of clothes that you can take off during the hike instead of needing layers that you don´t have with you.
4. It´s a good idea (for a 3-4 hour hike) to carry a light backpack with water and light lunch, chocolate or energy bar.
5. If you are bringing children along make sure that they are used to longer hiking distances.
Children under the age of 18 are always under the responsibility of their parents.
6. If weather conditions are not good enough we give ourselves the right to cancel the hike with little or no notice.
For more information please contact us through info@nordicnatura.is